Get Involved
You can make a positive difference in the lives of service members and veterans with disabilities.
With your tax deductible donation, you can help American service members, veterans and their families lead better lives. Upon your request, we will provide you with documentation for your tax purposes.
On some projects we welcome volunteers from organizations in the surrounding communities to help in areas that do not require licensed contractors or professionals who know how to build to code. This includes having a group of volunteers participate in activities like landscaping a yard, or providing manual labor. If you are an organization that would like to volunteer, please contact us.
Share our story
By sharing the RenovatingHope story with your friends and family you can help us reach out to service members and veterans in need. Please like our Facebook page, or connect with us on Twitter.
Become a Renovating Hope Contractor
We are seeking contractors and suppliers of building materials and appliances to help American service members, veterans, and their families. Click here to contact us.
Service Members and Veterans seeking services
If you are an American service member or veteran homeowner with an injury, who is seeking our home remodeling or repair services, please click here.